B.F.B Characters (Spoiler WARNING !!! EXTREMELY LONG) TEAM ABNTT Part 1


“ I don't have a favorite number. ”

— 8-Ball, many occasions

8-Ball is a male object contestant on Battle for BFDI and was one of the 30 recommended characters who had a chance to join the game during "The Reveal". However, in "Reveal Novum", he failed to become a contestant, coincidentally getting only 8 votes and placing 16th, tied with Book.

8-Ball also had a chance to join Battle for Dream Island Again, but he failed yet again, with only 154 votes and was tossed into the TLC. He had a chance to join IDFB, but he tied with Marker and Pie with 110 votes.[1] He competed in Battle for BFDI on the team 'A Better Name Than That' until he was coincidentally eliminated in the eighth episode of BFB, "Questions Answered", with 4,814 votes.


8-Ball appears to be a #8 billiard ball, a ball used to play the table game Billiards (also referred to as Pool). 8-Ball, along with Match, Dora, David, Teardrop, Blocky, Donut, Pen, Grassy, and Black Hole were the only eliminated contestants to not be (heavily) redesigned in IDFB.

8-Ball has legs.
8-Ball's 8 is towards the right of his side.
8-Balls two legs are uneven.

8-Ball's 8 is toward the top.
8-Ball has a shine gradient toward the top.
8-Ball is legless.

8-Ball's body is a bit brighter.
8 Ball's asset is mirrored.
8-Ball moves by rolling.

8-Ball was eliminated in "Questions Answered" and was one of the five eliminated males sent to the EXIT in "Enter the Exit" after Four was recovered. Currently, his fumes are affecting Saw.

8-Ball always wants everyone to know that he does not have a favorite number, despite his name. He speaks with a bland, monotone voice, except when A Better Name Than That almost lost in "Today's Very Special Episode" because of him, he got emotional and almost started to cry when apologizing to Golf Ball. In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", 8-Ball successfully managed the team after Golf Ball's death without being too controlling or bossy. 8-Ball's excellent leadership gives him the title of team captain in "Lick Your Way to Freedom".

However, he became a contrarian to Golf Ball in later episodes. It was later revealed that he was joking and trying to add humor to his team the entire time. The other team members, however, still obeyed him rather than Golf Ball, causing the team to almost lose twice. 8-Ball's attempts at humor show that he tries to lift the spirit of the team and boost morale with good intentions, though he often comes across as somewhat dim-witted at not seeing the negative effects of his sarcasm.
Powers and abilities
Strong teeth: 8-Ball's teeth are very strong. It is shown when he is able to bite and destroy the jawbreaker holding Golf Ball.

8-Ball will not let people forget that he doesn't have a favorite number. Despite his uninterested tone of voice, he inspired his team to overthrow Golf Ball as its leader. Everyone seems to listen to him whenever he opposes Golf Ball's directions. In fact, Basketball is 8-Ball's closest follower, asking him for guidance during BFB's most tumultuous time.

Did You Know?: 8-Ball has never counted to 9.
Battle for Dream Island

In "Vomitaco", 8-Ball appears as a recommended character.

In "The Reveal", 8-Ball has been "handpicked out of hundreds" and has the chance to debut in BFDI. He states that he has no favorite number in his audition.

In "Reveal Novum", 8-Ball coincidentally receives 8 votes and is sent to the LOL.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", 8-Ball can be seen amongst the numerous recommended characters, watching the final Cake at Stake.
Battle for Dream Island Again

In "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", 8-Ball only gets 154 votes and is sent to the TLC.

In "No More Snow!", 8-Ball, Grassy, and Bell can be seen in the woods as Book and Ruby run away from Evil Leafy.

In "Welcome Back", 8-Ball has the chance to join in IDFB. However, even if IDFB 2 was released, he didn't receive enough votes to join the show.
Battle for BFDI

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", he is first seen talking to Gaty, asking her what her favorite number is. When Gaty replies with 3, 8-Ball says he doesn't have a favorite number. He joins A Better Name Than That and helps recruit Golf Ball and Tennis Ball for the team. During the challenge, 8-Ball is used to bring the basket down to the ground according to Golf Ball's plan. He appoints himself as team leader after Blocky kills Golf Ball, and successfully helps the team get the basket to X.

8-Ball biting open a jawbreaker.

In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", he bites a jawbreaker, opening it and revealing Golf Ball to be inside, making their team safe. A Better Name Than That appoints him as the new and current team leader, due to Golf Ball not treating Grassy with respect.

In "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", 8-Ball takes advantage of his place as the team leader and orders his team to do the opposite of whatever Golf Ball says, beginning this spree of sarcasm, much to Golf Ball's dismay.

In "Today's Very Special Episode", 8-Ball once again reverses Golf Ball's instructions, telling the team to waste time on the challenge, which prompts TV to start a countdown to just before the end of the contest. After his team barely passes, 8-Ball suddenly drops his bland voice and apologizes to the team for contradicting Golf Ball's original command to go to work and nearly causing the team to lose. He claims that he had only been saying those things sarcastically, "to add some humor" and lift the team's spirits. Golf Ball seems to forgive him, but the rest of the team continues to ignore her.

In "Four Goes Too Far", Basketball complains about Four being so destructive. She asks 8-Ball what to do about this, but he says Golf Ball has the answer. When Golf Ball tells A Better Name Than That to get on her rocket, 8-Ball begins to tell the team to do the opposite, which causes Golf Ball to get somewhat upset.

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", while contestants from throw instructions at Tennis Ball, who is trying to control Remote to defend their goals in the challenge, 8-Ball informs them that they are doing their best.

In "Questions Answered", his team is up for elimination. 8-Ball and his team are still seen on the Moon until Donut unites both the Earth and the Moon. In Cake at Stake, he gets the most votes out of his entire team, placing him 58th. 8-Ball is then crushed to death by the Moon, and his fumes are inhaled by Saw, which causes her to shout "Eight!" at random times during the quiz show.

"Yeah, but he lied so we all hate him now."

In "Enter the Exit", Four is recovered and Clock tells him which contestants have died. Four recovers them, 8-Ball included, but Clock then remembers he was eliminated so he gets sucked up by Four. After all the eliminated contestants who weren't yet get sucked up, 8-Ball notices a door. This leads to EXIT. When the first four eliminated contestants wonder why there is a talking jawbreaker, he informs them that it's Loser, leaving the four eliminated contestants in shock. However, he states that because Loser lied, everyone hates him. Bracelety says she still doesn't hate him until 8-Ball says that Ice Cube hates him, changing her mind. Later, Four announces to the class that one of the eliminated contestants will rejoin the show. Pencil says that she's been dying to get out of the class, followed by 8-Ball and Stapy agreeing, leading to Liy reminding them they've only just gotten there. During his audition to rejoin, 8-Ball says that he shouldn't be in math class because he already knows what the most important number is. He's about to say eight but is then interrupted by Four singing, causing him to say four. He then whispers to the viewers, "times two." However, Four hears this and attacks him.

In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", 8-Ball only receives 998 votes to rejoin, keeping him in EXIT. When he asks Liy if she's sad she didn't rejoin, Liy points to the door in the back of the classroom and tells him she's found her next adventure.

In "The Escape from Four", 8-Ball tells Pencil that Loser couldn't hear her. Later, when Loser breaks free from his Liar Ball, he is glad to see him. He is seen cheering for Loser along with Firey Jr. and David as he was building their tower. Unlike the others, 8-Ball isn't able to participate in escaping through Spongy due to his lack of limbs.


Oh dear! I really hope you don't leave us, team leader!
— Basketball, "Questions Answered"
Basketball is a female object contestant in Battle for BFDI and The Power of Two. She was first recommended in "A Leg Up in the Race" in BFDI. She is also one of the thirty recommended characters who got the chance to join the game during "The Reveal" and "Reveal Novum". She failed to join, however, receiving only 5 votes and placing 22nd, along with Clock.

Basketball also could have joined BFDIA in "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", but she only received 86 votes, placing 44th, and she was flung to the TLC.

In IDFB, Basketball, along with the other characters that were held inside the LOL had a chance to join the show via a viewer voting. Basketball was given a redesign as well, which now has a shinier look, along with lighter colors. She didn't get enough votes to join IDFB though, with only 80 votes.[1]

Basketball finally became a contestant in BFB and competed on the team A Better Name Than That.

After switching in "The Escape from Four", Basketball will be competing in TPOT.

Basketball is very loyal to 8-Ball, usually supporting his endeavors. Basketball also cares about the well-being of her fellow contestants, as she picked Grassy for her team when no one else would, and she felt that Four's violence was getting out of hand.

She's also generally a curious person and can be quite handy, and will solve any problem in any situation regardless of her surroundings, such as helping her team and to make sure they were still able to defend themselves using Robot Flower from losing in The Liar Ball You Don't Want despite still being on the Moon, although her plan backfired.

Basketball also appears to become nervous under pressure, as shown when she shouts to stop controlling Remote when things went haywire, and appeared to be sweating when she was discovered impersonating Rocky.

Battle for Dream Island

In "A Leg Up in the Race", Basketball appears as a recommended character and is set on fire, possibly dying.

In "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None", Basketball appears as a recommended character and jumps into the vat of hydrochloric acid to try and get the marble collection.

In "Vomitaco", Basketball appears as a recommended character.

In "The Reveal", Basketball appears as a recommended character at Cake at Stake, to watch Blocky get eliminated. Announcer calls her and the others "stalkers". Basketball has been "handpicked out of hundreds" and had the chance to debut in BFDI.

In "Reveal Novum", Basketball only gets 5 votes, which is not enough and is sent to the LOL by the Sender Scoop Thrower. In the end, Basketball and all the other debuters (except David) get crushed by the sun when it sets with the TLC on top of the LOL, continuing from the last episode. Basketball then screams in pain.

In "The Glistening", Basketball appears as a recommended character and votes for Ice Cube.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", she watches the final Cake at Stake.
Battle for Dream Island Again

In "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", Basketball doesn't join season 2, with only 86 votes. She and the other contestants who didn't get enough votes get separated from the season 2 cast. Basketball is then sent to the TLC.

In "Welcome Back", Basketball has the chance to rejoin in IDFB. Even if IDFB 2 were to be released, she didn't receive enough votes to join the show. She also tries to escape the LOL by bouncing on the lid until it opens, however it doesn't work.
Battle for BFDI

Basketball looking up towards Blocky

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Basketball is excited and cheers for Loser along with Pencil, Ruby, Bomby, Grassy, Woody, Bubble, & Pie. Grassy and Basketball then discuss how great Loser is. Later on in the episode, Basketball asks 8-Ball if he wants to be on the same team as her because they are both balls, he accepts. In the challenge, Golf Ball plans to have Basketball, along with 8-Ball, weigh down the basket. When Robot Flower knocks Blocky off the tree, he lands on Basketball, who is too bouncy and walks away with Grassy taking her place. Golf Ball later plans to use a trebuchet to get the basket, using 8-Ball and Basketball as weights to bring the basket down. Their team is the 6th safe when the trebuchet is used to fling the basket to X.

In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Basketball learns about Golf Ball's disrespect for Grassy and appoints 8-Ball as the new team leader.

In "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", Basketball and Robot Flower remind Golf Ball that she was dethroned as team leader last episode.

In "Today's Very Special Episode", Basketball says she is glad that they listen to 8-Ball. Later, she and Blocky talk to each other about "hearing someone that disrespects people", which is Golf Ball. Ignoring how 8-Ball admitted that he almost made them lose.

In "Four Goes Too Far", Basketball says that Four's becoming more destructive and that they should do something about it. She asks 8-Ball what to do, to which he responds that Golf Ball has the answer. Later in the episode, when A Better Name Than That and are both on the Moon with the Twinkle of Contagion, she tells them to accept the fact that one of the two teams will have the Twinkle at the end of the challenge. This turns out to not be the case, as The Losers! have the twinkle at the end of the challenge.

Basketball says that she has been inspecting Robot Flower.

Due to the rocket breaking down, Basketball, her team, and are stuck on the Moon in "The Liar Ball You Don't Want". She says that she's been inspecting Robot Flower. After she stops TB and GB's eyebrow wiggling, Basketball explains that Robot Flower can give commands to the communicator dish on the ship and that Remote can receive orders from it. She and Tennis Ball use Robot Flower to control Remote so that they can prevent the Liar Ball from landing in their goal, along with 's. However, the ship then loses connection with Remote, which is when Basketball notices something going wrong and tries to take full control of Robot Flower. After Robot Flower breaks the signal due to Remote's bomb, Basketball asks TV if he knew that she decided to break it. As the Liar Ball landed in A Better Name Than That's team crater, they are up for elimination.

In "Questions Answered", at Cake at Stake, Donut communicates to A Better Name Than That using TV. When he moves his hands through TV's screen, Basketball asks if he was able to move things between the Earth and the Moon all this time and tells him to get them back down to Earth. Once Donut sends Earth through the screen so that they can get back on it, Cake at Stake continues, with all A Better Name Than That members far away from him. He tells them they don't have to sit so far, which is followed by all members of the team going inside his hole, which Basketball clarifies is the way they're doing Cake at Stake this episode. She is the 5th safe on the team. When it's between Golf Ball and 8-Ball to be eliminated, Basketball says she hopes the "team leader" doesn't leave, which both Golf Ball and 8-Ball think are themselves.

In "This Episode Is About Basketball", Basketball thinks that X is talking about her when he announces that the challenge was "basket ball"; however, he wasn't. During the challenge, she is used, along with Tennis Ball, by Blocky for their team to win the challenge, since she and Tennis Ball are both balls.

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Puffball takes over Basketball's body, while Basketball is in the body of Rocky. Golf Ball asks "Basketball" who the team leader is, and she answers that it's Golf Ball. Golf Ball is not suspicious that Basketball was replaced anymore because of this, and says that she can interview some of the other members. Due to Puffball being in her body, Basketball talks in a slightly singsongy way, similar to Puffball, but Golf Ball just sees this as Basketball being good at singing.

Meanwhile, over at Beep's room, when Balloony gets popped, "Rocky" reacts, exclaiming that the noise was loud. Due to Rocky rarely talking, this is a dead giveaway to the team that Rocky is a fake. She tries to correct herself by saying "bulleh", but the team has already identified her as a fake and calls her out immediately after. When Basketball transforms back to her usual shape, she has turned completely orange, and complains about this.

Back at A Better Name Than That, when Golf Ball tries to get an answer out of Grassy, who just replies with "I'm Grassy!", the mock Basketball says the process would be going faster if he "wasn't so basic". Blocky, knowing that she and Grassy are friends, figures out that Basketball has been replaced. "Basketball" then transforms into Puffball. This means her team is safe.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Basketball wakes up after hearing Grassy shout and wonders what he needs. She then finds Golf Ball and asks her what the team's plan is for the challenge. Golf Ball refuses to tell since Basketball is "not high enough on the managerial hierarchy" to know. Basketball then asks Tennis Ball to ask Golf Ball what the plan is. He does so and tells Basketball to dig. Basketball thanks Tennis Ball and walks toward the spot. She tells Grassy that it's not fair that Golf Ball distrusts her all of a sudden. TV points out that Basketball was the impostor last episode, to which she responds that it wasn't her fault. Later, Basketball enters Golf Ball's rocket with the rest of A Better Name Than That as they dig toward X's treasure.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Basketball and her team find an emerald. She is also the one who is holding the emerald while wall-jumping. She tries to hand the emerald to Four but Golf Ball snatches it to hand in herself. When Basketball sees hands coming out of Four, she gets confused and asks what just happened. Later, Basketball watches Golf Ball preventing iance from getting out, and says that this is Golf Ball's idea of fun.

In "The Four is Lava", Basketball is recovered and is now back to her normal shade of orange. Robot Flower tells Basketball to fix her, so Basketball decides to figure out what she can do to help.

In "The Escape From Four", while asking Four to recover the dead contestants, Basketball notices Four's enlarged bottom (from Stapy slamming a fridge on the floor of EXIT) and comments on it. Four becomes insulted, becomes a spiky twig-like mass, and chases Basketball. It's implied that Four killed Basketball, since she's seen among the people being recovered. Rather than staying with Four, she joins TPOT.


You know, I've actually been thinking of doing more pranks, but well, Recovery Centers... MY INSPIRATION! They're all gone.

Blocky, formerly known as Building Block in the comics, is a male contestant on Battle for Dream Island and Battle for BFB.

In "BFDI", Blocky originally competed on team Squishy Cherries until he was eliminated in "Sweet Tooth" with 6 votes. Blocky then rejoined the game in "Insectophobe's Nightmare" with 8 votes, joining team Squashy Grapes. Blocky was again eliminated in "The Reveal" with 112 votes.

Blocky had a chance at joining Battle for Dream Island Again but only got 239 votes and was sent to the TLC.

Blocky had a chance to rejoin in IDFB, but he received 523 votes, which is not enough to join.[1]

Blocky competed on A Better Name Than That and currently competes on the Have Nots in BFB.

In Battle for Dream Island, Blocky is shown to be a reckless prankster, bully, sadist, and a murderer. He constantly picks on and kills various people whenever given the chance, like kicking Woody, throwing Ice Cube off a ledge, and extinguishing Firey repeatedly. These attacks are often seen as pranks on his end, but they usually are at the expense of other people's well-being. Blocky hardly shows remorse for his actions and is rarely social to people outside of his friend group.

In Battle for BFDI, Blocky's personality changes. He's a lot less violent towards others, killing people less often. He can still be pushed, like when Golf Ball tries to manage him, causing Blocky to break her in half. He's also more social and empathetic, standing up for Grassy when Golf Ball mistreated him, or worrying when Four was gonna come back. Blocky still wishes he could return to pranks, but he acknowledges the improbability of the prospect and shows restraint.

However, in "X Marks the Spot", he's reverted back to his original personality, kicking Woody, as well as scaring Ruby with a pair of sharp "teeth" scissors. Additionally, instead of killing contestants as part of his pranks, Blocky further extends it by causing mischief and sabotaging others during challenges, although it doesn't end well for him as he will sometimes turn up into an unfortunate fate such as getting killed or having his company sentenced for 2,763 years.

Despite this, Blocky has a very hard time emphasizing with others and dislikes how they show weakness and failure, leading him to look down on them to define his successes according to Taco. While this sometimes makes him helpful and understanding to the people he trusts, it only falls flat when it comes to his enemies, as his poor perception of them only turns out to be very insulting despite doing his hardest to make it up for them.

As the first BFDI contestant to rejoin after elimination, Blocky is a mischievous wooden block that loves to prank people. He, being made out of wood, does not like fire.

He once melted Ice Cube to put out a fire, used Spongy on a trampoline to squish the Announcer. Blocky seems to play these jokes when he knows the result of his pranks will be okay. He especially thinks it's fun to pop Bubble.

Did You Know?: Despite being massively successful among friends, Blocky's original prankster series "Blocky's Funny Doings International", is actually not international.

In "Take the Plunge: Part 1", Blocky tries to pop Bubble using Pin and Needle, but fails. He then kicks Woody away. In the contest, Blocky holds on to the bar with his arms and puts his legs up to his face. Coiny shakes him, trying to wake him up, but Blocky accidentally pushes Coiny off. Leafy asks Blocky to help her up when she falls off the bar and has to hold on to it, but Blocky falls too and holds on with his feet. He kicks Flower when she shows off her Non-Slip Shoes So Ha. When Leafy, Pin, and Teardrop finally get back onto the bar, Leafy is standing on Blocky's feet and he falls.

In "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Blocky pops Bubble for Flower. Eraser and Pen pick Blocky for the Squishy Cherries after Pin says that he has issues. When his team's boat starts leaking in the contest, Blocky tries to plug the hole with one of his corners, but a fish bites him and he flies away, behind a fish monster (though it looks like the fish monster eats him).

In "Barriers and Pitfalls", Eraser, Pen, Pencil, and Spongy look for Blocky. They think the fish monster ate him, but he reveals that it did not. Blocky falls into the failers' waiting room immediately after starting the contest. A prank by Blocky is shown, which involves popping Bubble infinitely.

In "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?", Blocky is safe from elimination with 2 votes. Blocky then decides to use Ice Cube to destroy the fire that Match started, but it doesn't work. He copies the test answers along with Pen, and high-fives Eraser, slapping him away into a hole. Blocky gets all 20 points, but he along with Pen are discovered to have cheated, so their scores are set to 0.

In "Sweet Tooth", Blocky is eliminated with 6 votes. Pen says he only killed two people, which is true even though he killed them many times.

In "Cycle of Life", a prank by Blocky is shown. He is one of the contestants that can be voted to rejoin, and says that he has an edge, or "twelve edges, to be exact".

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", Blocky rejoins, joining the Squashy Grapes. The Announcer calls him "stabable" [sic]. Snowball picks Blocky for Leafy's team, which keeps the Squashy Grapes' name when the Squashy Grapes split. Because of Snowball tying all the contestants into a ball and being unable to pull them, Blocky's team loses.

In "Crybaby!", Blocky is safe from elimination with 2 votes. He melts Ice Cube to get more water in the crying contest. Leafy is angry because of that, but Blocky just says the Ice Cube Recovery Center will recover her. Blocky's team is the middle team.

In "Lofty", Blocky does well in the contest, popping the balloons of Firey, Coiny, Snowball, and Rocky. His team wins. However, he remains stuck in the sky along with Leafy for the rest of the episode.

In "A Leg Up in the Race", Blocky insults Coiny's speech for the Squashy Grapes to vote for him to stay. He gets third place in the contest.

In "Don't Lose Your Marbles", Blocky pops Bubble and takes her ball, getting him 8 points.

In "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None", Pen calls for Blocky to help him up after he falls into a pit. Blocky then calls for Firey, but he and many other contestants end up falling down the pit. In the challenge, Blocky jumps over all the hurdles until the one with saw blades, which he gives up on. He gets 25 points.

In "Vomitaco", Blocky guesses that the Announcer is going to show them a dead body, but he is wrong. He chooses the barf bag contest and throws a bowling ball, making the bag leak. Pencil throws barf at him to make him fall off. He gets 37 points.

In "Bowling, Now with Explosions!", Blocky appears in the puppet segment. He sees Pen and Pencil with a pen and pencil stabbed through them and Leafy becoming evil holding a leaf and takes the pen, pencil, and leaf. However, the pen and pencil stab Blocky and the leaf makes him evil. In the contest, Blocky knocks down 7 pins. Leafy subtracts 10 points from him and Pencil subtracts 25. Blocky drains away all of Bubble's points and takes 56 points from both Leafy and Pencil for subtracting his score. Firey takes 40 points from Blocky because he was mean to Bubble. Blocky, and everyone except Firey is up for elimination.

In "The Reveal", Blocky is eliminated again with 112 votes, but says he can't be because he is the "star of the show". He shows a funny doing after he is eliminated, which involves Firey falling into a lake repeatedly.

In "The Glistening", Blocky votes for Firey to get eliminated. He fails to rejoin at 24 votes and kicks Woody out of anger.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2", Blocky advertises his last prank of the season, and possibly ever.

In "Return of the Hang Glider", Blocky is happy when Flower dies, and hates Leafy along with everyone else at the end.
Battle for Dream Island Again

With only 239 votes for him to join the show, Blocky fails to join BFDIA. He is, however, seen briefly in the beginning in "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", chasing Leafy along with the other contestants. He is later seen with the characters that failed to join BFDIA, being flung to the Locker of Losers with them.
Battle for BFDI

In "Getting Teardrop to Talk", Blocky uses Saw to cut the pentagon into a triangle and a quadrilateral. Later in the episode, Pen says that he, Blocky, and Eraser need to stick together. However, Blocky overhears Grassy saying that his team will get up to a lot of funny doings, and Blocky joins A Better Name Than That.

When Golf Ball says the plan, she orders Blocky and Robot Flower to climb the tree. Blocky then asks what Golf Ball and Tennis Ball will be doing, and they both say they're team managers. Blocky then gets mad as he doesn't want to be managed and kills Tennis Ball. When Blocky gets to the top of the tree, Robot Flower says that she got there first and pushes Blocky off. Golf Ball says that Robot Flower has betrayed them and Basketball offers to save Blocky, however, Basketball is too bouncy, so Grassy takes over and saves Blocky. Golf Ball says that Grassy is actually useful for once. Then, Golf Ball explains to Blocky that Tennis Ball built a trebuchet before he died that they can use to launch Basketball and 8-Ball to the basket. This makes Blocky outraged again, this time killing Golf Ball.

In "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Grassy tells Blocky and Basketball that he needs respect. They go and tell Golf Ball about this, but 8-Ball reminds Blocky that he killed her last episode, along with Tennis Ball. Blocky and 8-Ball go and tell Four to Recover them but Four announces that it is time for Cake at Stake. After Cake at Stake, Blocky and the others argue to Four about the dead contestants. After Tennis Ball is recovered, they argue some more and then Four announces the challenge. Later, after A Better Name Than That is safe and Golf Ball is freed, Blocky says that GB has not treated Grassy with respect and that the team has decided that the new leader is 8-Ball.

Blocky has no lines in "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset" but he is shown in the same pose from "Take the Plunge: Part 1" on the swing. In the challenge, he, along with the rest of the team ignore Golf Ball's commands and instead listen to 8-Ball's.

In "Today's Very Special Episode", Blocky and everyone else on his team besides Golf Ball still listen to 8-Ball's orders. 8-Ball says to waste time so the whole team just relaxes. As the challenge time comes to an end, Golf Ball tries to draw something on paper to hand in to Four, which all the other members of A Better Name Than That protest to as it was disobeying 8-Ball's command. Blocky tries to pull Golf Ball away from the paper before the time runs out and Four takes the paper. After nearly losing, 8-Ball realizes he what he was doing was wrong and says he was just saying the opposite of what Golf Ball said to be funny. Golf Ball tries telling the others that 8-Ball was fine with her being the leader, but most of the team still ignores her, Blocky saying that she "disrespects people."

Blocky has no lines in "Fortunate Ben", but he can be seen during Cake at Stake. There, you can hear Bubble popped, and it is later seen near the elimination area that Pin is angry at Blocky. The next time the end of the elimination area is seen, Blocky can be seen knocked over. This could imply Blocky killed Bubble, and Pin knocked him over because of that.

In "Four Goes Too Far", A Better Name Than That decides to get rid of Four by multiplying him (using X) by zero (using Donut). Before executing the plan, Blocky checks to see if everything is in position. After launching their plan and getting Four, X and Donut to collide with each other, Blocky realizes that Four is gone.

Due to the events of "Four Goes Too Far", Blocky, his team, and are stuck on the Moon in "The Liar Ball You Don't Want". They look through a telescope to see what's happening on Earth, and at one point a piece of paper gets stuck on the telescope. It turns out to be the rules for the seventh challenge. Blocky reads out some of it but is quickly interrupted by Donut telling the contestants on Earth the rules from where Blocky was cut off. The two teams witness the challenge, and Lollipop says she's thankful she isn't down there due to how everyone was acting. Blocky then reminds her that they need to be there since no one is there to protect their goal and that one of the two teams will lose, and then tells her Four's going to come back flying at them at a million miles per hour.

When A Better Name Than That uses Robot Flower to connect to the communicator dish of the rocket to control Remote, but start having technical difficulties, Blocky notices this and tells 8-Ball to check the ship and Golf Ball to check the dish. Golf Ball gets annoyed that he's giving her orders but she quickly realizes this isn't the time to argue and goes to check, much to Blocky's relief. However, due to Robot Flower closing the signal since Remote was planting a bomb there (which would kill both teams on the moon if the connection remained intact), the team isn't able to regain control of Remote, and she places the Liar Ball in A Better Name Than That's goal, causing them to be up for elimination.

Blocky does very little in "Questions Answered". Once he, his team, and return to Earth (through Donut sending it through the camera he was using to communicate through TV for Cake at Stake), Cake at Stake properly begins, with all of the team sitting far away from Donut. He tells them they don't have to sit so far away, which is followed by all of the team going inside his hole. Blocky asks whether they are going to do Cake at Stake like this or not, to which Basketball replies yes. He is the second one safe at 1,420 votes.

Through slight manipulation of the rules, Blocky helps the team win in "This Episode Is About Basketball" by throwing Basketball and Tennis Ball into A Better Name Than That's basket.

In "Enter the Exit", Blocky stacks up Needle, Pen, and Match in the shape of Four in an attempt to revive him.

In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", Blocky gasps upon seeing Flower use the Non-Slip Shoes, along with Ruby and Yellow Face.

At the beginning of "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Blocky is seen seated at a picnic table with Pen and Eraser, listening to Pen tell a story and laughing along with Eraser. Afterward, he tells the two he has been thinking of doing more pranks, however the Recovery Centers, his "inspiration", are all gone. Eraser tells him if he ever needs a hand with one of his pranks, he's down to help. On the other hand, Pen tells him he'd love to, but can't go against the core values of Death P.A.C.T., preventing death. Blocky understands that Pen can't go betraying their trust.

During the challenge, Robot Flower accuses Golf Ball of being a fake, but Blocky tells them to worry about arguing later. He later calls out Basketball on being the impostor when she calls Grassy basic, due to him knowing that Grassy and Basketball are friends.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Blocky asks Golf Ball what an MMR is after she presents it. Golf Ball explains that MMR stands for "Mutual Mind Reader", and how it is used. Later during the challenge, Blocky questions Golf Ball for the use of the broken Rocket after it is retrieved, leading to Golf Ball telling him to turn the Rocket's satellite dish to dig downwards.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Blocky and his team find the emerald and wall-jump to the surface. When Death P.A.C.T. takes their team's emerald and becomes safe, Blocky agrees with Robot Flower that they can't do that, and says that it's cheating.

Later, after the grass around Golf Ball dies, Blocky tells Golf Ball that she is pretty stinky and that she "can't blame the grass for not wanting to put up with that". Eventually, Blocky explains that is making a message to tell Golf Ball to stop. Blocky then gets irritated when Golf Ball doesn't stop.

In "The Four is Lava", Blocky slingshots himself onto Puffball, holding on as she tries to shake him off. When Puffball manages to make him let go, Blocky lands next to Four. Tennis Ball and Robot Flower later make it to Four, making A Better Name Than That safe.

In "The Escape from Four", Blocky can be seen trying to help pull the eliminated contestants out of Four. He later switches to Two’s show but switches back to BFB when the prize changes. Blocky is one of the fourteen contestants to continue competing on BFB, rather than switching to TPOT. He, along with Four and his thirteen opponents, are transported by Two to an unknown area to compete.

In "X Marks the Spot", after agreeing with Woody that’d he’d never agree to helping Four find X, he kicks Woody in the air. He’s later placed on the X Colored Team. His team ends up safe from elimination thanks to Loser’s strategy and the Four Colored Team.

In "Take the Tower", Blocky writes down new material for his pranks after observing Firey die falling in a puddle of water that came out of Spongy. When Four asks for someone to knock down Bubble's brick tower, Blocky volunteers and is shortly their after picked up by Four to start the challenge. During the challenge, Taco asks Blocky to help her pick up rocks to which he pathetically throws. He subsequently blames the weight of the rock and then helps push rocks off the cliff. Blocky later complains that Flower isn't doing any work, to which Flower replies his deodorant doesn't either. Blocky declares that Woody should be the first to cross Loser's bridge, Woody disagrees but is pushed anyway. Blocky is seen cheering with Firey and Loser to fight during Taco and Ruby's mingle. His team ends up losing the contest when their castle breaks apart.

Blocky's Funny Doings International has returned.

In "How Loe Can You Grow?", Blocky barely escapes elimination, only receiving more safe votes than Spongy with 4,054. He kicks Woody into the air and is soon confronted by Taco, and he admits to missing him. Blocky does not want to enter Spongy's spaceship, which confuses Taco since he's known for causing mischief. Taco persuades him to do it after reminding him of his funny doings. Blocky donates a cardboard spaceship to the Have Cots, expecting them to burn up as they approach the sun, but it is revealed Spongy's spaceship cannot withstand high temperatures and every surviving player on his team (except Firey) burns to death.

In "A Taste of Space", Blocky is recovered by Four. When Four asks if his team enjoyed their ride in space, Blocky tells a pun to Four based on his team name, making Four mutilate and recover him. During the challenge he tries to reflect the sun's rays back with a mirror, but this only puts X on fire, though Blocky doesn't mind. He later freezes the sun by insulting it and places a block around the earth to cool X, both get a lot of points deducted from his team. His team ends up losing the contest, since they failed to keep X cool.

In "Let's Raid The Warehouse", Blocky is safe 8,021 votes and gloats about being the only remaining cube after Loser is eliminated. Blocky tells his team to raise their hands if they want to receive gifts and ignores Woody when he does so. Taco tells him, but Blocky didn't acknowledge it since he thought Woody was raising his hand in a wimpy fashion. On the train ride, Taco tells Blocky that he shouldn't make fun of Woody. When choosing gifts, Blocky picks out a spiky glove to hit Woody with. Taco angrily turns the idea down and tells Blocky to take the challenge seriously. Blocky ends up picking the gifts for both Flower and Woody before they head back. Blocky choosing glitter for Flower proves to have been a good idea since her satisfaction rate is 10/10. An empty box for Woody however does the opposite, getting them 0/10 points, which causes them to lose. Blocky is angry at Woody at first but after hearing the opinions of the opposite team, he sees how the gift they got Woody might be suitable.

                              Golf Ball

I'm managing the team!
— Golf Ball, "Getting Teardrop to Talk"

Golf Ball (or GB for short), (also known as Golfball in Total Firey Island and Total Firey Points), is a female contestant on Battle for Dream IslandBattle for Dream Island AgainIDFBBattle for BFDI, and The Power of Two. At the beginning of the series, she was placed on the Squashy Grapes, but in "Insectophobe's Nightmare", she joined a team which was named Another Name. Golf Ball was eliminated in "Lofty" when the Squishy Cherries chose to put Rocky on their team as opposed to her.

Despite not getting enough votes to compete, with a meager 215 votes, the 31st highest before disqualifications were taken into account, InternPony707 picked her to compete again in BFDIA.

She appeared in IDFB since she wasn’t eliminated in BFDIA.

She previously competed in BFB on team A Better Name Than That.

Golf Ball currently competes in Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two.

Golf Ball appears to be a golf ball with dimples, a type of ball used in the sport golf. Her main body is light gray, and her dimples and shading are slightly darker light gray. Inside her shell, she has a light-yellow core.

Golf Ball's biggest strength is her intellect, often creating devices and formulating plans. As such, Golf Ball usually asserts herself as the leader or manager of whatever team she's on and will get flustered if she is denied of that position. She also expects her teammates to respect her authority whenever she's in such position. Golf Ball has been described as bossy by her fellow contestants because of her analytical and utilitarian demeanor, giving her a low social standing among the objects.

Despite her brash personality, Golf Ball seems to truly care about the well being of her team and wants only to lead them to a great victory.

Golf Ball, sometimes known as GB, is bossy... but most of the time she's right. She often puts herself in a position of authority because she always has a grand plan on how to execute each challenge.

Golf Ball doesn't have the best people skills. Once she became angry at Spongy for how smelly he is. Not cool! However, she does have impressive writing skills, and a self-published author of the Book of BFDI Tips and Tricks. She can twist a dismal 17th place to an impressive 2nd place, and she's great at rhythmic poetry... Even when she doesn't mean to!

Did You Know?: Golf Ball is capable of deciphering the ancient lettering known as Yoylese.Intelligence: Golf Ball happens to be one of the smartest out of most, if not all contestants, as she uses it to formulate plans and strategies, create devices and inventions, understand and decipher things that may seem complicated or unfamiliar to her, and would combine her intelligence with Tennis Ball when they're together. While she is well prepared when it comes to challenges, her plans still fall off short as seen in some episodes when she leads a team, she often lacks a backup plan in case another problem occurs and would lose a challenge, and due to her self-proclaimed status as team leader, would clash with other contestants that would happen to disagree with her, which would almost cost them the win at times.

Durability: Golf Ball is durable enough to completely stop the Announcer Crusher with her own body, making it explode. However, this doesn't mean she is completely immune to those with the strength compared to Blocky's, who can even tear her apart.

Battle for Dream Island

In "Take the Plunge", Golf Ball is first seen criticizing Firey and Coiny's argument and Spongy for being smelly. This causes Eraser and Pen to complain behind her back (with the former calling her a bossy bot in the process). She is then seen competing in the platform challenge with Flower pushing her off along with Tennis BallWoodyNeedle, Eraser, Firey, and Leafy. After the challenge, Golf Ball has a chance to be chosen by Leafy or Pin. When Pin is deciding, she calls out that Golf Ball is too bossy. Golf Ball then tells Pin to say that to herself, only to be shushed. She is then chosen by Leafy's team. In the challenge, Golf Ball tries to explain a plan to the team while they are chattering. Annoyed, she shouts at the team for not listening to her, but Snowball dismisses her and says that her plan is too confusing and he can push her off the cliff if he has to. Golf Ball starts insulting him by saying that his brain is small, which enrages Snowball, causing him to knock Golf Ball off the cliff and plummet to the water, making the contestants run off (except Flower and Rocky). Her team loses and is up for elimination.

In "Barriers and Pitfalls", Golf Ball, who is somehow recovered from the water, is still standing with the others floating on Spongy and is brought back to the plains with a giant net. Golf Ball is in the bottom 2 for elimination, but she is safe with one vote. Golf Ball also inadvertently saves the Announcer, as her hard body cracks Flower's Announcer Crusher, which also blew Flower away to the TLC. Relieved, Golf Ball increases her chances of winning from 5% to 5.263%.

During the challenge, Golf Ball, Tennis BallRocky, and Woody are seen reaching the rising wall where Pin is stuck on. After Pin slaps Woody from the wall, Golf Ball and Tennis Ball jump over Woody while the latter kicks Rocky over, shocked and irritated, Golf Ball asks why he did that, but Tennis Ball reasons with her. Golf Ball then tells Tennis Ball to kick her over the wall, getting her across but leaving Tennis Ball behind. Golf Ball also gets frustrated once she encounters the rock climbing wall due to her lack of arms. After failing to get the Cherries to toss her and Tennis Ball up, the latter notices a shortcut, allowing the two of them to bypass the wall. However, they are unable to jump through the lowering spike due to Bubble blocking them, causing the duo to fall while pushing Bubble to safety. The Grapes eventually win, keeping Golf Ball out of danger despite her failure. In the epilogue, Golf Ball wonders if the Announcer is going to rescue them.

In "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?", Golf Ball is first seen being rescued from the pitfalls via net. During the challenge, Golf Ball is one of the few contestants to do the challenge without ripping their test apart, damaging it in some other way, cheating, or not completing the test. Golf Ball also scolds Rocky for not doing the test and becomes angry at him for initially losing the win, although the discovery of Blocky and Pen's cheating causes the Cherries to lose again. Golf Ball receives the highest test score, at 19 out of 20, and therefore wins the Win Token. Subsequently, the Grapes win again and are safe.

In "Sweet Tooth", both the Announcer and Golf Ball update her chances of winning, which increases due to Blocky's elimination. During the first half of the challenge, a clump of dirt thrown by Snowball lands in Golf Ball's cake batter, unbeknownst to either of them. All 3 judges for the challenge give Golf Ball's cake a zero for this ingredient, as well as for lying. Ironically, Coiny's cake, which is made up entirely of dirt, receives a much higher score of 14. The Grapes lose the cake-baking half of the challenge but win the chocolate ball-eating half, and due to Snowball winning the tie-breaker, the Grapes are safe from elimination.

In "Bridge Crossing", Snowball throws Rocky at Golf Ball as retribution for her insults in the first episode, causing him to hit the bridge instead. Snowball can later be seen chasing Golf Ball in circles before eventually catching her and throwing her at LeafyNeedle, and Ice Cube, and the four of them fall into the gorge. After both teams abysmally fail in the challenge, Snowball wins the tie-breaker once more, allowing Golf Ball to be safe from elimination. It is later revealed that Golf Ball, along with Rocky, sank when they reached the watery bottom of the gorge.

In "Power of Three", Golf Ball is grouped with Rocky and Snowball in her team-within-a-team, much to Snowball's displeasure as not only does he have to deal with another armless contestant, he is also forced to cooperate with his own enemy to complete the challenge. However, after Golf Ball and Snowball argue for a while, Snowball grabs Rocky and starts the challenge without Golf Ball. However, the Announcer forces Snowball to do the challenge with her, bringing their trio in dead last. Snowball eventually finds her and throws her to Island One. They quickly find a raft and place second. Golf Ball is unable to participate in Island Two's block-stacking, but she offers constant criticism on Snowball's stacking strategy, which allows Firey to sabotage them by kicking down Snowball's structure. Snowball eventually grabs a key. Golf Ball's trio places 4th after Snowball pushes Coiny's triad out of the way, allowing Golf Ball to be safe from elimination again.

In "Puzzling Mysteries", Golf Ball demonstrates her ability to spin seven basketballs, to which Snowball responds with a rude comment. After the Grapes and the Cherries are trapped in a single-room building to complete the challenge involving a jigsaw puzzle, her team is able to swiftly complete their puzzle, letting them out of the room, as well as gaining Firey on the Grapes. No team is up for elimination, so Golf Ball is safe from danger.

In "Cycle of Life", Golf Ball points out the numbers disadvantage the Grapes have over the Cherries in the relay race, prompting the Announcer to make only five randomly-chosen Grapes race. Golf Ball is one of the five selected, so she participates in the race. Leafy, who has to carry Golf Ball, repeatedly remarks that Golf Ball is heavy. While carrying Rocky, Rocky vomits into Golf Ball's face, resulting in her slamming into a tree, though she eventually gets him back to the mat. When it is Rocky's turn, Golf Ball grows impatient of his unresponsive behavior and kicks him to the tree, inadvertently popping Bubble. Impatient that Rocky is still irresponsive again, Golf Ball rushes towards him and kicks him back to the starting mat, causing the Grapes to win.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare", Golf Ball is placed on and names Another Name. Golf Ball participates in the six-legged race with relative ease. The Names place second, so Golf Ball is safe from elimination.

In "Crybaby!", Golf Ball helps her team win the first challenge by crying her first tear. However, the Names lose the handstand contest, putting Golf Ball up for elimination for the second time.

In "Lofty", Golf Ball argues with Tennis Ball over the shape of a particularly round cloud. She also questions the reasoning behind Firey and Coiny's feud. Golf Ball uses her Win Token, but she still places 2nd. The Cherries unanimously choose Rocky over Golf Ball, so Golf Ball is eliminated.

Golf Ball reappears in "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None", where she partakes in the challenge to rejoin, being cheered on by Tennis Ball. However, she drowns in the loaves with only one loaf of bread in her basket, so she does not rejoin.

In "Reveal Novum", Golf Ball and the other eliminated contests formulate a plan to escape the TLC, though it is not successful.

In "Gardening Hero", Golf Ball declares her chances of rejoining and winning in an attempt to garner votes from the viewers to rejoin.

In "The Glistening", Golf Ball and Pin each receive 13 votes, so they do not rejoin, cementing their position as eliminated contestants for the rest of BFDI.

In "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2", Golf Ball makes a very brief and minor appearance, where she asks what Blocky hears. Golf Ball is then consumed by the Announcer's bugs and dies, unless the eliminated contestants fake their deaths as well. She also appears in the flashback of every contestant's elimination, as well as when the TLC briefly vanishes.

Golf Ball makes her final appearance of season one in "Return of the Hang Glider". Golf Ball votes for Leafy to win, and she also remarks that all of the finalists weigh less than one-tenth of an ounce. Firey lets Golf Ball into Dream Island. However, once Dream Island is revealed to have been stolen, Golf Ball is quick to get over its disappearance. Despite this, Golf Ball joins Pin in her quest to find out who stole Dream Island. Golf Ball is also quick to put together that Leafy bought Dream Island in an act of revenge. After Firey saves Leafy, Golf Ball is still adamant on executing Leafy. This carries over into BFDIA.

Battle for Dream Island Again

In "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know", she is among a pack of contestants trying to catch Leafy, due to her stealing Dream Island. After the pack gets somewhat lost in the forest, Tennis Ball asks if the contestants even need to catch her, to which Golf Ball replies that she'll steal Dream Island again if they don't catch her. She lets Pen choose which path to take, but Pencil uses her Leafy Detector instead, which reignites the chase. Later, in the joining ceremony, she only gets 215 votes but is chosen by user InternPony707 to enter the game. In the favorite screen compilation, she does not show a screen and instead commands the other contestants to stop. In the contest (Tug of War) her team wins, even though she is seen not grabbing the rope in any way.

In "Get Digging", Golf Ball manages her team, along with Tennis Ball. She firstly commands several teammates to ride on Puffball to Yoyleland to get yoyleberries for the stew, seconding Pencil's advice to run/fly away if they see Leafy. She then commands the rest of Team No-Name to get other ingredients, but says that they'll need to get a big bowl first. Match and Nickel show off the size of their bowls, but Golf Ball rejects them and shows the base of the bowl, which is quite big. She tells Nickel, Yellow FaceFireyDora, and Rocky to build the bowl, and the other members to get ingredients. Fries asks Golf Ball why she didn't assign herself a job, to which she replies that she is the team manager, which Fries thinks is an excuse. Golf Ball interrupts Yellow Face's commercial to remind him of his order. Golf Ball asks why Book and Ice Cube are back early, to which they reply that Evil Leafy chased them out of the forest, but caught Spongy, to Match's delight. Team No-Name loses the challenge due to the amount of gross and toxic ingredients added to their stew.

At the start of the challenge in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3", she has a conflict with Pencil and her alliance, who refuse to compete. During the challenge, the alliance looks at and criticizes her book on BFDI "Tricks and Tips", while Golf Ball scolds her teammates as they become poisoned, before becoming poisoned herself. Her team still wins.

Golf Ball has built an underground factory and has been working on building another Dream Island, which is just in time for the next challenge in "Zeeky Boogy Doog". After leading her whole team to it, she pours out "Dream Sauce", which morphs into Dream Island. Unfortunately, the other team uses Bomby, one of their new team members, to sabotage the factory, so their team loses.

In "Get in the Van", Golf Ball's team members are defecting to W.O.A.H. Bunch. Golf Ball forms a promising plan with her teammates to never switch, but Pencil refuses and, with her alliance, breaks off to a separate team. During the challenge, she orders everyone to go onto Puffball. While they are traveling to Yoyle Mountain, Gelatin kicks her off Puffball, along with Tennis Ball and Rocky. The three land in the forest below and end up swallowed by Evil Leafy next to Evil Canyon.

In "No More Snow!", Golf Ball is killed along with everyone else when Evil Leafy is crushed by the weight.

In "It's a Monster", after the HPRC is made, when W.O.A.H. Bunch fails to threaten Puffball into helping them, she successfully recovers the rest of the team, including Golf Ball. She runs the team through an attendance check and the team resumes as normal.

In "The Long-lost Yoyle City", Golf Ball is seen on Puffball, racing to the goal above Davidland. She brings up how dangerous the location is. When Firey and Gelatin get stuck between Puffball and the Davids, Golf Ball asks how they'll get the two back on top of Puffball, and Fries replies to kick them off the team. Once they're close to Yoyle Mountain, Pencil freezes him, along with the rest of the Team No-Name members on Puffball, using Freeze Juice. Once FreeSmart reaches the top of the mountain, the members unfreeze. Golf Ball is somewhat mad that they (seemingly) got 2nd place, but glad that they aren't UFE.

Once Firey Speaker Box reveals that the mountain isn't the end, Golf Ball gets the other members of her team back on Puffball, but then goes back down, due to Pencil killing Rocky. At the end of the race, Puffball deliberately shrinks to her minimum size, making her team lose so she can get the prize (which has the opposite effect). The Team No-Name members on her, including Golf Ball, fall off and are eaten by a Fish Monster.


According to Pin, Golf Ball figured out how to use Pin's pigment to form new limbs.

Golf Ball walks with Tennis Ball to a museum to learn more about science, being briefly stopped by Needle. Once the two enter, Golf Ball says the museum has great treasures, before saying it's waiting to be "stolen" in a low voice. Her face briefly changes after saying this. Golf Ball then has a flashback when she sees a row of large vases where someone looking somewhat like her is hiding from another mysterious figure with a spiked club. Golf Ball suddenly decides to walk out. Tennis Ball takes a wall teleporter before they go. Once they meet Coiny and Pin, they plan to teleport someone out of the LOL, and travel there.

Battle for BFDI

Golf Ball is first seen in "Getting Teardrop to Talk" beside Tennis Ball looking for Leafy when Tennis Ball quickly points out the answer to her. She runs to Leafy but accidentally hits Pin and knocks her blueberry seeds away. Later, after the team-forming starts, she manages the selection of members, making sure to pick enough mechanical minds. When she hears Death P.A.C.T. name their team, she says she has to come up with "a better name than that", accidentally becoming their team name, A Better Name Than That (ABNTT).

During the challenge, she instructs the team until Blocky, annoyed with Golf Ball giving him a pointless task, kills her.

During the challenge in "Lick Your Way to Freedom", Golf Ball is one of the contestants trapped inside one of the jawbreakers, as she was killed by Blocky in the previous episode8-Ball suddenly takes a big bite out of Golf Ball's jawbreaker, freeing her and causing Golf Ball to poke her head out of the jawbreaker, scream, and tell 8-Ball to "Stop it". This lands ABNTT in 6th place. Blocky brings up Grassy's desire for respect to Golf Ball later in the episode. Golf Ball questions if Blocky is being serious about this and says, "Oh come on, really? Grassy?". After this, Basketball informs Golf Ball that the team has decided to choose 8-Ball as the new team leader. Golf Ball then demands Tennis Ball "do something", but he then tells her that the other team members wouldn't listen to him.

In "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset", Golf Ball commands ABNTT to spin the team's swing forward, but 8-Ball commands the team to spin the swing backward instead, and all of the other members follow 8-Ball's request. Golf Ball is in shock that her team didn't obey her, saying they "can't be serious", only for Basketball to remind her that the team listens to 8-Ball now. Robot Flower chimes in and agrees that 8-Ball is a "much better leader". Golf Ball then commands her team to jump up, to which 8-Ball commands to duck down, which they do. Golf Ball further commands them to turn yellow, but 8-Ball orders them to turn purple, which TV and Robot Flower do. Golf Ball has finally sussed out 8-Ball's reversal of her commands, so she orders her team to spin in circles really slowly, so that 8-Ball will (presumably) order ABNTT to spin in circles very quickly, thus securing their team safe from elimination.

In "Today's Very Special Episode", Golf Ball has additional trouble managing her team in conflict with 8-Ball when she tells Grassy to draw their picture. In the last few seconds, she gives up and draws it herself, with the rest of the team saying "Treason!" repeatedly. When their picture is submitted, Four first examines it without emotion but is then seemingly surprised by some detail, and the picture ranks better than Death P.A.C.T., making the team safe.

In "Fortunate Ben", Golf Ball asks how the steering of their plane is going, and Tennis Ball answers that there is no steering, since it is just a paper plane.

In "Four Goes Too Far", Golf Ball and the rest of her team see Four abusing his powers on Free Food. When Basketball asks what they should do, 8-Ball defers to GB. So she thinks and comes up with an idea to multiply Four with Zero (using Donut). As Four leads the elimination with Beep, it's down to David and Roboty when ABNTT is ready with their plan. They sled down a hill, passing by the recommended characters, before reaching their targets. Donut is hit first, then X, then Four. Four disappears, and Golf Ball and her team celebrate. At the challenge, the Better Namers, led by Golf Ball, travel to the moon in Golf Ball's rocket ship to avoid catching the Twinkle of Contagion. However, upon landing, ABNTT finds out that team Bleh has followed the Better Namers, and accidentally brought the Twinkle with them. The two teams are next seen standing in two lines, staring at each other to pass the Twinkle of Contagion back and forth. When Taco's plan works, no one on the moon has the twinkle, but Golf Ball's rocket suddenly crashes, leaving the two teams stranded on the moon. Golf Ball also repeats the line "Um, are they gonna pick us up, or what?" from BFDI 2.

In "The Liar Ball You Don't Want", Golf Ball tells Robot Flower not to break the signal as Basketball and Tennis Ball use her to control Remote. However, as Robot Flower eventually breaks the signal to save the moon occupants, Remote lands the Liar Ball in ABNTT's hole. This shocks Golf Ball, who had trusted Robot Flower to keep the signal up.

In "Questions Answered", Golf Ball lands in the bottom two along with 8-Ball. She is declared safe. During the challenge, Golf Ball answers the question "What's 1+1?" with "2", granting her team safety.

In "Enter the Exit", Golf Ball gets sent flying by Bottle using a golf club on her in an attempt to get Four back. She crashes into Cloudy's window.

In "Get to the Top in 500 Steps", Golf Ball asks 4 and X to hurry the explanation of the contest.

In "What Do You Think of Roleplay?", Golf Ball asks Tennis Ball what the first thing he took from the science museum was during the challenge. He answers that he took a wall teleporter, which causes Golf Ball to conclude that he must be real. She then realizes that PinCoinyNickel, and Fries also knew the answer to that question, so he could be any of those people too. Robot Flower questions why Golf Ball isn't interrogating herself, to which she responds there is no need since she knows that she's real. Angered, Robot Flower tells her that's exactly what an impostor would say.

Moving on, she asks "Basketball" who the team leader is, and Basketball responds that the team leader is definitely Golf Ball. This prompts Golf Ball to assume that Basketball is real. She tells Basketball to interview half of the remaining members, and when Basketball (who is really Puffball) responds "okay-dokay", Golf Ball compliments her singing.

In "Return of the Rocket Ship", Golf Ball presents the MMR to Tennis Ball, a device she built to read minds. Golf Ball also demonstrates its functions to Blocky by using it on CloudySaw, and Bell, receiving one of each of their thoughts. In return Cloudy, Saw, and Bell each receive one of Golf Ball's thoughts as well. After the demonstration, she asks Tennis Ball to use the MMR on X, to determine what his treasure is and where it could be located. Tennis Ball agrees to her request. As Tennis Ball is locating where X is, Golf Ball reminds him that X can read his mind as well, telling him what not to think resulting in a small conflict. Golf Ball seems to not trust Basketball, evident when Basketball asks her about the team's plan for the episode in which she declines in doing so.

Later on, Golf Ball finds the location where some of X's emeralds are located right below and orders Robot Flower to retrieve her Rocket Ship from the moon. After telling her team to go inside of the Rocket, they dig downwards by rotating the ship's satellite dish.

In "Don't Dig Straight Down", Golf Ball is glad after hearing her rocket make a bonk noise. She explains that it means the team has hit an emerald. She, along with the rest of her team, wall-jump to the surface to bring the emerald back to Four. After getting to the surface, Golf Ball snatches the emerald which was originally held by Basketball and gives the emerald to Four. This makes her team safe. When their team's emerald is taken by DeathPACT, Golf Ball thinks it's a big deal so she tells Four a joke to get the emerald back. She is appalled that two teams are safe from taking her emerald.

Later, as iance tries to avoid Golf Ball, she feels the grass getting warm. She then realizes that a team is avoiding her and tries to prevent them from breaking out of the surface, which could get them up for elimination. Golf Ball continues doing this despite her teammates tell her to stop, until she notices someone is breaking into her underground factory. Therefore, she heads down to her factory to investigate. Golf Ball is bewildered by the noises the intruders are making and tries to find out who they are. When they successfully break through, however, the lava rushes into the factory, killing Golf Ball.

In "The Four is Lava", Golf Ball is recovered.

In "The Escape from Four", Golf Ball is first seen walking with the other contestants to watch Four struggle to eliminate Spongy. Later, she tries to help the eliminated contestants escape by attempting to pull Spongy out of Four with the other contestants. Once Two arrives, Golf Ball is not enthused by Two's abilities, and agrees with Tennis Ball that Two should not be trusted. Golf Ball points out that nobody is aware of where Two came from, what it's motives are, and if Two is a qualified host, to which Pie states that she has yet to answer those questions about Four. Despite her hesitation to trust Two, Golf Ball decides to switch to TPOT after seeing his powers.

In "Who Stole Donut's Diary?", Golf Ball is only present in a flashback of what happened just before the events "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know". Her single line in the episode was "People! Leafy is over there!"


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